20 July 2013
10.00 – 13.00 – demonstrations and workshops
14.00 – 16.00 – Talk ‘So who did invent the sewing machine?’
Tea and coffee available, bring a packed lunch
Are you a crafter, stitcher or someone wanting to know more about creative stitching and just starting out in the textile world?
Merseyside Embroiderers’ Guild is having an open day on Saturday 20 July. Watch demonstrations and have a go yourself in the morning with crochet and a fabric heart; bring butties and stay for the afternoon talk. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new people, so pass the word around and hope to see you then…
We also have a young persons stitching group, ages 7-17. The two women that run these sessions will be at the open day showing the sort of work the youngsters make.