SATURDAY 18 December at 19:00 until late at The Royal Standard
After a busy year of exhibitions and being at the Tate Modern etc, we’re strapped for cash. A party to celebrate with friends who want to have fun and donate funds is our festive solution! We have the brilliant LOVECRAFT providing christmasy melodies. DJ Mike Carney+guests heading the decks. Mulled wine warming those cockles and tasty treats to line your stomachs! There’s also going to be a Postcard Auction – last min christmas pressies! Entry £2/£1 with Postcard.
Postcard Auction – Enter and get £1 off entry.
Rules: bring a handmade, postcard sized masterpiece before 9pm to enter the auction. Your lovely creations will be auctioned off to the highest bidder from 9:30 onwards.
BYOB but promise to buy at least 1 mulled wine!
Venue details