Friday, February 7, 2025


if-only-100THURSDAY 5 August 2010 at the Bluecoat, door opens 19.30, first act at 20.00. Free.
Liverpool’s monthly melting pot of music, performance, dance, spoken word and the otherwise unclassifiable. The night’s eclectic bills are brought to you by a group of Liverpool-based artists, curators and promoters in the spirit of celebration, exploration, provocation and revelation..!

August Sunset
“Oh, the summer night,
Has a smile of light,
And she sits on a sapphire throne.”
–   Barry Cornwall

Join us for a night of food, music and light in the Bluecoat’s gardens. Under the theme August Sunset a range of artists from Liverpool to Australia will present site-specific works commissioned especially for this event.

Noise Club [food performance]
Straddling the divide between performance and intervention, Noise Club have played people, plants and buildings. For If Only..! they have created a special food-based performance. Culinary art for a summer barbeque.

Luxury Gap [audio-visual installation]
Incorporating the evening light and sound in real time to create looped arcs of pulsing, decaying sound and melody.

Alison Little [costume performance]
Liverpool based artist Alison Little creates a large bird-like creature using progressive techniques with assorted reclaimed materials.

Reinhard Fuchs [sound light performance]
A light and sound performance of sine waves and didgeridoo, synchronized with lights to turn the garden into a sparkling night site.

Venue details

And a selection of locally sourced great BBQ food available from £4