9 July 2013
13.00 – 16.00 Â (13.30 start)
Tickets £12.50 – includes tea at The Athenaeum Club, Liverpool
Elizabeth Willow ‘Paper Stories’
As part of our ongoing programme of exciting artists’ talks, the next event will feature local mixed media artist Elizabeth Willow. Inspired by the beautiful setting of the Athenaeum’s wonderful Library, Elizabeth will discuss how her passion for words and stories has influenced her work, focusing in particular upon her use of paper in creating sculptural objects and artist’s books. This event is open to current and new subscribing members of Bluecoat Display Centre and members of The Athenaeum.
Places are limited so advanced booking is essential.
To reserve a place for this event, become a member or renew your membership, please call Bluecoat Display Centre on 0151 709 4014, email us at crafts@bluecoatdisplaycentre.