Tuesday, February 11, 2025

In Search of Neptune’s Pearl

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The current exhibition on the first floor of Microzine in Bold St is a retrospective which charts the last three years of work within the music industry by Liverpool graphics studio Burn.

The exhibition also marks the launch of a brand new Burn website which features an interactive portfolio of the studio’s work.
Unfortunately this is yet another of the almost-invisible-tiny-pale-grey-text variety of website which is a shame because I do like a lot of the artwork they produce. I recommend you take a look at the work in the shop rather than strain your eyes trying to find anything on the website.

Following on from our visit here we went to a concert on Sunday organised by one of Burn’s customers – The Hive Collective at FACT. This featured Colleen and Triosk who are both on the excellent Leaf record label. Very nice folk/jazz/electronica.
Then on Monday it was a fascinating talk by David Rokeby and guests, again at FACT.
So it was quite a new media type of weekend.