A very nice, thoughtful installation indeed in the project space at the Royal Standard by studio member Frances Disley. Not only is the ceramic work skillfully produced but the drawings on them are amazing. Very beautiful, I hope it goes on display elsewhere after this very short show.
Open 19 – 21 August 12.00 – 17.00.
After the Deluge invites you to set sail into uncharted waters where youth and adventure reign.
Frances Disley offers you a glimpse into an imaginary world in which teenagers do battle with elemental forces, cast adrift on a raging sea of discrimination and hormones.
Intricate drawings on discarded adolescent artefacts tell tales of the exciting yet terrifying transition from childhood to adulthood.
The delicacy of pencil on fine ceramic casts and drawings on cotton fabric capture the fleeting essence of this universally shared experience.
Come and discover what remained after the waters subsided.
For info visit –
Photos by Minako Jackson