Its not often an art exhibition is opened by the audience joining in a sing-along with a celebrity but there was quite a gathering at Hope University’s Cornerstone Gallery on Friday evening singing ‘In My Liverpool Home’ with Rolf Harris. also a bit of Lily The Pink as Mike McCartney of the Scaffold was present. Rolf was in good form and was signing books later as was Alan Powers, author of Art and Print: The Curwen Story published by Tate publishing which you can also buy at the gallery.
The exhibition is ‘Curwen Studio at 50‘ and runs through the Summer with an excellent collection of prints by artists such as Rolf himself (Crucible of Croesus) and Mike McCartney (Photo of Gene Vincent at the Cavern) , Paula Rego, John Hoyland, John Piper, Patrick Heron and many others. Also there’s John Lennon’s very first print – ‘Alphabet’ which is not for sale.
Curwen Studio at 50
5 June – 4 September 2009
The Curwen Studio, one of the UK’s most influential printmaking studios, specialising in lithography, is celebrating over fifty years of fine art printing with a special exhibition.
Established in the late 1950s in response to rising demand from artists, the Curwen Studio helped revolutionise the way art and photography was reproduced for both creative and commercial purposes. Within just a few years of opening, many famous names in the art world were working with the studio’s co-founder Stanley Jones to produce fine art prints in limited edition runs.
Special printmaking workshop
Saturday 13th June – Curwen Studio at the Cornerstone
In addition to the exhibition, the Cornerstone Gallery is working with Liverpool’s Bluecoat arts centre to host a special printmaking workshop on Saturday 13th June with Tom Martin, Master Printer from The Curwen Studio, together with a guest talk by Mike McCartney. Tickets are limited and priced at £5 each. Please contact the Cornerstone Box Office on 0151 291 3578 for Further information.
1pm – Arrive Cornerstone – Refreshments
1.30 – Guest talk by Mike McCartney – Free to attend
3pm – Print Workshop with Tom Martin (Master Printer at Curwen
5pm workshop ends.
£5 a place, maximum of 30 places.