I’m sure we won’t get to see inside this famous pyramid but it’ll still be fascinating. Paul Rooney is short-listed for the Liverpool Art Prize 2010.
Paul Rooney: McKenzie
St. Andrew’s Church, Rodney Street, Liverpool
Wed 19 – Sat 22 May, open daily 4pm – 7pm
Free admission
McKenzie is a new sound work inspired by a local Liverpool legend about William McKenzie, a gambler who is said to have made a pact with the devil to ensure a winning hand in a poker game. Worried that the devil would claim him if he was buried underground, he left instructions that he was not to be buried, but instead encased in a pyramid, sat upright at a card table, with a winning hand of cards. This tomb still stands in a derelict graveyard on Rodney Street.
Commissioned by Sound and Music
Part of Memories are Made of This: Sound and Music at Liverpool Sound City