Liverpool artwork of the day – Tuesday February 13 2007. ‘Cow’ by Jenny Dunlop, watercolours, textiles and stitching. At Voirrey Embroidery, Wirral until March 4 2007
Not strictly in Liverpool but the Voirrey Embroidery Centre at Brimstage Hall on the Wirral is not too far away.
Brimstage Hall is well worth a visit for anyone into the arty crafty stuff, Voirrey is just one of a few places based there and is well known to people interested in needle and thread activities.
These pictures may be a bit too small to see clearly the mixture of painting, stitching and patterned material that’s gone into the making.
I think its a neat idea with bright and cheerful results, made me smile anyway.
More Details
Irish artist Jenny Dunlop is breathing new life into the local art scene which can be seen in her exhibition at Voirrey Embroidery Centre, Brimstage Hall from 1st February – 4th March 2007.
Jenny, originally from Belfast but living on The Wirral for 10 years, has been painting commercially for 18 years. Her signature style is characterised by an unusual marriage of vibrant watercolour paintings with stitching and textiles.
Her current collection of paintings in the exhibition features a diverse range of subject matter – with special focus on paintings of animals and also of buildings which she finds worthy or interesting of depiction. Her style developed after she found that when she introduced the extra dimension of texture to a normal watercolour painting it totally transformed how the viewer reacted to the painting. “People can’t get over the fact that you can stitch pieces of material to the watercolour paper as part of the painting”.
Jenny has completed many commissions in this new style, some whimsical and abstract, some contemporary and realistic. It has proved a particular hit with owners of buildings who seem to love the quirky, “fish-eye-lens” perspective which she has adopted in many of her paintings. “People have been amazed at the vibrancy and character that can be portrayed through such paintings – especially if I apply my style to portray a well-known building
such as their home, or a much loved pet – I give them a new viewpoint on a subject they know far too well – and it surprises them!”