Influential artist, Sandra Blow died on August 22nd. She was a prize-winner in the 1961 John Moores painting competition and Editions gallery in Cook St. had an exhibition of her prints just last October.
From The Times obit…
Sandra Blow
September 14, 1925 – August 22, 2006
Abstract artist who followed the example of Chagall in producing innovative work into old age
SANDRA BLOW’S large, bold collage pictures have an immediacy that belies her method of working. They are not, as one might suppose, the inspiration of a moment but the result of painstaking experimentation. Blow temporarily stapled pieces of coloured paper or other material to canvas, wood, board or paper, and altered positions, shapes and colours until the final overall composition of a picture suggested itself. “I wait for the picture to talk to me — to tell me what it wants,