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Lodge Lane Shops Revamped by Artists


SHOPKEEPERS who worked with artists to transform their businesses are now unveiling the fruit of their labours.

Shops Upfront is a scheme funded by NRF money from Europe through the Liverpool Culture Company and has revamped eight premises on Lodge Lane in Toxteth. The shopkeepers were consulted about the revamp, with artists working on their designs before they were brought into reality. Lodge Lane crosses the northern half of the former ancient Deer Park of Toxteth, a vast Royal hunting ground laid down by King John in 1207. The Shops Upfront is helping numbers 157-171 Lodge Lane, a building which was originally a livery stable called Sefton Park Mews.

Before c.Clare TrenholmLiverpool City Council leader, Cllr Warren Bradley, said: “It’s great to see so many partners working together on a large project like this, using art to boost business and illustrate the culture of the neighbourhood. I’m particularly pleased that national chain stores involved have sacrificed some of their corporate colours to celebrate the local culture and community.”

Roller shutters, graffiti and grime have been stripped away to reveal a brighter look for owners and shoppers. A similar scheme has already been carried out in Glasgow, and the Liverpool Culture Company hope to repeat the economic success here.

After c.Paul MealeyProject manager from the Liverpool Culture Company is Alicia Smith, worked with co-ordinator Sonia Bassey from TIC consultancy. Alicia Smith said: “The shops look amazing and it’s a real surprise to see the difference between the before and after pictures. It’s been well worth doing and I’m sure the neighbourhood will benefit from this project for years to come.”

Partners in the Shops Upfront project include the Liverpool Culture Company, Liverpool City Council’s Regeneration and South Central Neighbourhood Management team, alongside Agency Services and the Liverpool Biennial.

Pictures: Clare Trenholm and Paul Mealey