It was purely by chance that I bumped into 2 local authors with their books in Editions in Cook Street on Friday.
David Cottrell has been a man possessed over the last couple of years on a mission to document all the Liver Birds in Liverpool. There’s a hell of a lot of them so his ‘Little Book of Liver Birds‘ isn’t so small. Its fascinating read with hundreds of full-colour pictures. Some of the birds are pretty weird-looking and the ones atop the Liver Building will always be my favourites I think.
A bargain at £9.99 from Edition, 16 Cook Street, I got my copy signed by the author.
At the same time, local artist Edward D Walker was signing copies of his new book of maritime art ‘Sea Liverpool’ and some of his pictures were on the wall of the gallery.
Much as I love the waterfront, I’m not a fan of realistic paintings of ships, submarines etc. but Ted’s are as good as any in that genre. He’s been painting these for many years, has exhibited and sold all over the world and is commissioned by Cunard to paint their ships.
The signing sessions and exhibition have finished but the book will continue to be available from Editions, I think it costs £14.95
There’s a few other books of local interest on sale as well as the usual and new paintings and fine art prints.