Monday, February 17, 2025

Julie Anderson at Ginger Up

julie-anderson-ginger1.jpg julie-anderson-ginger2.jpg

I like Ginger Up, its always clean and bright, I just discovered they serve Vegan breakfast (very tasty) and there’s nice artwork on the walls. The latest is another of SomeWhereInBetween‘s curations, Julie Anderson (an elf from Speke, apparently!) who’s exhibition is called ‘Eat the Raw Monkey’ – don’t know what that means, doesn’t sound very nice especially as I’m munching on a veggie sausage!

There’s even a few canvases on the walls of the toilet, colourful abstracts. The rest of Julie’s work is more muted ink on paper in frames, still abstract, colours flowing into each other creating happy accidents and lots of round shapes.

As always, Helen Bryson has mounted the artwork very tidily, its almost starting to irritate me that I don’t have to straighten any of the pictures in the exhibitions she curates.

‘Eat The Raw Monkey’ by Julie Anderson at Ginger Up cafe/juice bar until September 1st 2006