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Jo Derbyshire to Research London Art Scene

jo_seasons_performance_im.jpgJo Derbsyhire, one of the principle members of the Liverpool Management Team of Transvoyeur and affiliate artist is off to London to research the contemporary arts and culture.

During her stay, she will not only liaise with several galleries, curators and artists, but will present her new performance ‘When a City Speaks: Seasons’ in the context of London. This piece was research and developed for the Transvoyeur Performance Art Platform 2006, part of the Independents Liverpool Biennial 2006.

She explores in collaboration with other artists and audience participation the process of creativity juxtaposed to socio-cultural and urban references of memory, residue and interaction. This piece is one that evolves with each place visited from the original art derived by the artist and contributions encouraged by participants as the creative process becomes a sense of a ‘happening’ and art itself becomes an artefact from each place.

Her research in London will be with Wendalena Kaye an established London visual artist and both associate members of the London Biennale