A bit late in the day but I just realised its Children’s Art Day today! Fortunately there’ll be activities on at the weekend including these at Liverpool Tate…
Tate Liverpool celebrates Children’s Art Day with free art activities:
2 July 2006 (1.30 – 4.30pm)
Tate Liverpool will take part in the national celebrations of Children’s Art Day on 2 July, presenting a Great Art Adventure inspired by the current exhibition Henry Moore: Natural Form. The Great Art Adventure is free, suitable for children aged 5-12 accompanied by an adult, and there’s no need to book.
Children can experience the forms, shapes and textures created by this famous sculptor, and then get ‘hand’s-on’ by making their own 3-D forms using a variety of media.
Hundreds of children, their teachers and their families will take part in one of the biggest ever celebrations of Children’s Art Day, with special events taking place across the nation including a big event in Trafalgar Square on 2 July from 2-5pm which includes the presentation of the Chrisi Bailey Award: The National Children’s Media Arts Award and special outdoor activities and workshops at the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery.
The day will provide opportunities for hundreds of children around the UK to get involved in art projects and activities organised by galleries, art centres, museums, schools and other organisations. Some events will be for specific school classes and other groups from formal or informal learning settings, but others will be open to members of the public including family groups.
For more information on the Children’s Art Day: Great Art Adventure please contact Tate Liverpool on 0151 702 7400 or visit our website at www.tate.org.uk/liverpool
Tate Liverpool is family friendly.