Its quite a small gallery space at the Royal Standard, when I first go in I think there’s not a lot to see. But as the works are normally conceptual installations I find I’m there for a quite a while studying the pieces from all angles, trying to work out what they’re about, finding interesting features and returning after a couple of glasses to get an entirely different view.
This exhibition consists of one piece by each of 8 artists recently graduated in Liverpool. There’s John O’Hare’s trademark colours of blues and purples covering an old dressing table complete with working lamp and an axe buried into the top of the mirror. Katriona Edrich’s delicately patterned paper skull is fascinating. Zoe Langdell’s little wooden roundabout is a work-in-progress as it should hopefully rotate eventually.
I really enjoyed it, made me smile while at the same time getting the old brain cells working (briefly).
Hi Sean 🙂
Artists: Zoe Langdell, Hamish McLain, Jamie Torode, Gordon Culshaw, John O’Hare, Jemma Egan, Rhian Russell, Katriona Edrich
“haven’t you grown?” at Royal Standard until September 2nd 2006