I’m exhausted! I spent all day at this Get Digital! conference at FACT, I had to give a talk, only 10 minutes which extended to 20 but its still tiring. I haven’t been to any such conference for a long time and had forgotten how hard it is to sit there for 6 hours even with coffee and lunch breaks.
It wasn’t boring though, I enjoyed it and learned quite a lot too.
Having stressed the importance of using images I realised I hadn’t got a good one for this posting so we’ll have to make do with the boring old Arts Council logo.
The conference was organised by Arts Council North West to show how easy it is to Blog, Podcast and use RSS feeds, to keep the public up to date with information about theatre and gallery programmes, news and interviews. And to set the standard the event is being recorded so that it can be podcast the following day.
There were about 100 delegates from arts organisations in the North West, people who are responsible for marketing, PR and communications as well as arts officers from local authorities.
So maybe in the near future you will see a lot more arts-related blogs and pods in this area.
The event was very well managed by Don’t Panic and other speakers were all very good. They were Sarah Fisher – Head of Visual Arts for Arts Council NW, Philip Young – University of Sunderland, Stuart Bruce – Bruce Marshall Associates, Rosa Corbishley and Kerry Ellis – Arts About Manchester, Chris Rushton, University of Sunderland and Gill Henderson – Director of FACT with John McGuirk – Tenantspin