New Media Training Courses
Workers Film Association, WFA Media and Cultural Centre, 9 Lucy St, Manchester, M15 4BX
tel:0161 848 9782/5, email:
With 15 years success, WFA is offering FREE, part time places on top quality, accredited training courses in 2006 and 2007, supported by European Social Fund for people in the North West:
– 9 week New Media training
Covers 2 enhanced units of the new City & Guilds 7501 Diploma in Media Techniques, Level 3/4, Unit 321- digital image manipulation techniques and Unit 306 – video production tools and techniques -using Final Cut Pro HD, Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Director. Suitable for new entrants, those progressing within the Creative/New Media sector, Artists integrating New Media in their artform and practice.
– 38 week City & Guilds 7501 National Diploma in Media Techniques Level 3/4,
Production based, modular course of 6 enhanced units, under the Video Production Pathway, addressing all required aspects of professional audio/video/digital production and New Media practices with top quality equipment, facilities & software up to broadcast standard with low equipment to trainee ratios.
Both courses: 3 days, under 16 hours per week and start 26th September, Applications by 30th August 2006. We particularly welcome people under represented in our industry: women, people from BME communities, disabled people (partial mobility access)
Complies with JSA conditions for part time study