Capital of Culture’s latest round of funding has opened for applications. Voluntary and community groups, public sector arts, cultural organisations and individual artists are able to apply for grants under two themes outlined below.
The Creative Communities Theme
Grants of between £500 and £5,000 are available to encourage diverse community arts and sports events and activities to celebrate the city’s heritage and 800th birthday. It has a total of £240,000 to distribute with £40,000 of this being specifically allocated to the Sporting Chance sub theme. More details about the Roots and the World in One City sub-themes are given on the website.
The Innovation and Development Theme
Grants of between £500 and £10,000 are available for arts and cultural organisations based in the city who want to deliver benefits to communities and build the capacity of artists. Project proposals should increase access to Liverpool’s diverse arts and media through partnerships, employment opportunities, participation and innovative approaches. There is £200,000 available for distribution within this theme.
How to apply
This year’s application process is being administered by Liverpool City Council’s Community Resources Unit. You can download an application form and guidance notes by clicking on the links on the website.
The closing date for applications is Monday 18 December 2006, 16.00
For any other funding advice call Creative Infrastructure Development Manager, Phil Taylor, on 0151 233 5604 or e-mail