Friday, February 7, 2025

Art Scam – Update

See my previous post on this subject.

Several people have emailed me to report the dodgy looking emails from this guy…

From: Atworne Spane
Date: 24 June 2006 16:46:51 GMT+02:00
Subject: Enquiry

I like your style of work and will like to purchase some of your work for my resident can have a website of yours where i can view more of your work in display kindly send me the weblink.Hope to read from you soon.I will also like to know where you reside in UK

And another one (this one gives a phone number)…

From: august comte
Date: 24 June 2006 15:54:22 GMT+02:00

Greettings ,
My name is comte august,i will like to buy Your item posted for sale and I am interested in buying it.i will like to know If it’s still available, kindly reply this email with the Last offer,full details and mesurement and also more pictures for a better view. Please kindly answer the following questions
1.Why are you selling it?
2.Your last selling price?
3.where is it presently?.
I will be paying with certified cheque and there will be a Delivery company that will comefor the pick up after you have been paid.l’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. email me

Best Regards

