Art and architecture in religious contexts on Merseyside
An interfaith event to mark and celebrate the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the
King as winner of the ACE / RIBA Award for Religious Architecture 2005/6
28th September 2006, 10am-5pm (with optional evening events)
Hope Street Liverpool
£20 (£15 concessions & ACE members)
Morning – Art on Hope Street
Venue: Metropolitan Cathedral, Gibberd Room
Cathedrals and commissioning public art – Canon Toby Forward, Liverpool Anglican Cathedral (10:00-10:30)
Architectural glass on Hope Street – Andrew Moor, specialist in architectural glass (10:35-11:05) (short coffee break)
Art for architecture – Artist Susanna Heron on her newly completed sculpture at the Metropolitan Cathedral (11:30-12:00)
(13:00-13:45) Lunch provided by ‘The Piazza’ in the Gibberd Room.
Afternoon – Architecture for a regenerating city Venue: Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, Western Rooms
Public Realm – Gareth Callen from Falconer Chester Architects on the story of the Metropolitan Cathedral’s award winning external works (14:15-15:00)
Brougham Terrace, plans to redevelop the site, the earliest mosque in Britain – Akbar Ali, Chairman of the Abdullah Quilliam Society (15:05-15:45)
(short walk to the Princes Road Synagogue approx 15 mins)
The Princes Road Synagogue, dialogue and heritage including a tour of the synagogue – Dr Cecil Moss (16:00-17:00)
Optional evening events (at extra cost)
Dinner at the Western Rooms Anglican Cathedral
Evening screening of ‘my architect’ – a portrait in film of Louis Kahn
Additional recommendations can be made for tours, exhibitions and events for attendees wishing to stay in Liverpool for longer.
supported by the Community Development Fund and the John S Cohen Foundation.
For further information and booking forms contact:
Laura Moffatt
Art+Christianity Enquiry
All Hallows on the Wall
83 London Wall
London EC2M 5ND
t/f 020 7374 0600