Call for submissions for Artists working with Mobile Phones
Arena Gallery, Liverpool is looking for artists making work with, about or for mobile phones for an exhibition due to open on the 5th August 2005. We are interested in phone photography and videography; games with or on mobile phones; ringtones; conversation; interactivity; the difference that these little machines have made to our culture and the way we operate socially.
We would like proposals for wall and floor-mounted work but also for time-based works, events and workshops. Submissions can be small initial investigations or more developed projects, playful or thought-provoking.
Please send proposals by Monday June 27th to:
Sean and Eleanor Hawkridge,
Arena Gallery,
Arena House,
82-84 Duke Street,
Liverpool L1 5AA
We will also accept proposals by email, these should be sent to and should arrive before 10am on the above date.
Proposals should include:
-A statement relating to your artistic practice and CV
of exhibition history
-A description outlining what you would like to
do/exhibit at Arena
-Examples of past work (these can be in most formats
including on CD or DVD)
Submissions cannot be returned.