Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeNewsNews ArchiveTwo postgraduate symposia next week

Two postgraduate symposia next week

At Tate Liverpool..

Annual Liverpool John Moores MRes Symposium
The Auditorium, Tate Liverpool
Thursday March 1
2.00 – 5.00pm

Includes refreshments

Chaired by Jean Tormey, Curator of Public Programmes, Tate Liverpool

Rubicon is the annual symposium by postgraduate researchers from the Liverpool School of Art and Design, Liverpool John Moores University. Research students will present a diverse range of papers relating to their current and ongoing research into subjects including: the work of W. G. Herdman, the Spiritual and Figure Painting, Identity-Space-Memory, and the Situationist International.

Tate Liverpool Research Forum
Corporealities: Art, Transgression and the Body
Friday 2 March
2.00 – 5.00pm

£7.00, £5.50 (members), £4 (concessions). Free to Tate Liverpool Postgraduate Module students
Includes entrance to Bad Art for Bad People: Jake and Dinos Chapman and refreshments

Chaired by Dr. Samantha Lackey, research fellow at the AHRC Research Centre for Studies of Surrealism and its Legacies

To coincide with Bad Art for Bad People by Jake and Dinos Chapman at Tate Liverpool, this student led Research Forum features presentations by five postgraduate students who deal with the corporeal in art.

Vasileios Kantas, Wimbledon College of Art
Refashioning human types: A photographic rendition of the pervert body
Kenneth Longden, Liverpool John Moores University
Skins of the Strange: the evolution of Heinlein’s covers and the corporeal
Rui Oliveira Lopes, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Body Language and Narrative on Renaissance Painting in Portugal
Seph Rodney, The London Consortium, Birkbeck College
‘Idioteque’ Dance Performance
Emile Shemilt, University of Dundee
The Video Body

Phone 0151 702 7400 for tickets. Booking essential
For more information see or email