Voluntary Arts England is presenting a free one-day national conference on Tuesday 30 March 2010 at FACT, Liverpool;
Restoring the Balance: the effect of arts participation on informal learning, health and wellbeing
The conference, part of the Up For Arts project, has been designed to celebrate and recognise projects, schemes and organisations that reach out to disadvantaged communities using arts/crafts as a vehicle for increasing levels of informal learning, health and wellbeing.
Throughout the day BBC 24’s Breakfast presenter Susanna Reid will chair discussions which will explore the major social, health, economical and environmental benefits in developing opportunities for and participation in arts and cultural activities.
Keynote speakers will be given a platform to share creative ideas and best practice and will highlight exemplar projects such as:
‘Up for Arts’which is a high profile informal learning/arts participation project within BBC Radio Merseyside.  Up for Arts is collaboration between Voluntary Arts England and the BBC.
Liverpool’s Year of Health & Wellbeing.
Arts Council England’s national 2010 Arts Participation Campaign.
‘Restoring the Balance’, Voluntary Arts England’s latest publication which showcases how wellbeing, health and, in some cases, lives have been transformed as a result of arts participation.
The conference will be thought provoking and inspiring combining insightful keynote presentations and panel discussions with practical workshops, led by some of the most influential figures from across the health, local authority and voluntary arts sector.
The conference is free, but places are limited. To find out more and to how book, visit http://restoringthebalance.eventbrite.com/