Seems to a bit of a problem with emails from John Brady at The Independents. If you are registered on the independents website but did not receive any emails from John last night/this morning then please let Adele know
So here’s some important stuff
There’s a party on Saturday night (it was going to be Wednesday but now its going to be Saturday), see details below.
Reminder to collect your signs and maps…
The Independents Map publication will be available to collect with your signage between 10 am and 5pm on Wednesday 13 September from the Metaconceptual Gallery, 52 Roscoe St, L1.
(between Grapes pub and Static)
Please accept this invitation to a soiree, hosted by
Simon Bendi , at
25 Parliament Street
Liverpool L1
Wednesday, 13th September Saturday 16th September, 6pm till late.
Pay bar
The programme includes music, artists’ films, live art, VJs and the galvanic performance “TAI CHOO crew
presents Greenfields” – An esoteric performance of UK urban art
All Welcome.
25 Parliament Street is at the uptown junction of Jamaica and Parliament Street. Please use the Green Door entrance.