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HomeNewsNews ArchiveBIG Debate - Council Funding Shortfall

BIG Debate – Council Funding Shortfall

From Alex Corina…

Maybe you’re disappointed like me that there isn’t a debate raging across the city about the implications of the Liberal Democrats Council Budget announcement for 2008 that includes a shortfall of £20.9 million in the Capital Of Culture Funding for 2008. Particularly for artists and arts organisations.

The Echo and Bluecoat are planning debates on everything else this year (may be that’s something to do with the fact they are Cof C sponsors for 2008 and don’t want to rock the boat).

Incidentally it has also been announced there is a £4.5 million short fall in sponsorship for 2008.

Big Debate

Video Ballot Box

Treasure Hunt (looking for the missing millions)

Other Events

Any Other Ideas?

I would like to think we could open up a dialogue and debate about recent events and the Capital Of Culture. The Big Capital Of Culture Debate and the Video Ballot Box should be about giving expression to Artists and Communities. After all we did get the Capital Of Culture on the back of Community involvement. What do they think now? Do they still feel included?

It’s about exploring politics as art in the run up to the local elections on May 3rd rendering the political campaign as an artistic experience and a creative dialogue between the electorate and candidates. The Video box is about giving expression to that dialogue. I think people are tired of being taken for granted and ignored which is why ‘sleep walking’ through local elections reaches epidemic proportions in April every year.


Meeting at the Slaughterhouse 73 Garston on Wednesday 4th April 7pm

Contact Alex Corina
0776 338 8509