Where Things Are Different Launch Event
Where Things Are Different Launch Event
Thursday 25th January 2018
5.30pm – 7.30pm
Stephen King and workers from St Helens’ industrial history and present
Supported by Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool
Where Things Are Different is a project that attempts to place equal credence between the logic of fiction and the logic of fact within the context of community. Stephen King met and worked closely with members and groups of St Helens post-industrial communities to unearth the shared experience that resides within these displaced workforces.
King attempts to illustrate overlapping anecdotal fragments from close-knit St Helens communities and the tall-tales that emanate from the shop-floor. Focusing upon the experiences that aren’t documented in the form of books or curated in museums, but ones that only exist upon the lips of the people. Asking the question: ‘what remains once a sizeable workforce vacates a site after many years of service?’ King explores the notion that places now take up space within the social experience, the memories, stories and folklore held by a community.
This is the launch event in The World of Glass Museum. The work will take the form of a Public Art installation on the banks of the Sankey Canal.
For further details please visit
This event is part of StHelens150. The year 2018 marks the 150th anniversary of St Helens’ incorporation as a municipal Borough.