‘Mothers Who Make’ creative group
launches in Liverpool
Nationwide revolution finds its Merseyside home at Unity Theatre
A collective of local artists who are mothers are bringing a national initiative to Liverpool next month, finding a home at Unity Theatre. Mothers Who Make is a monthly peer support group for mothers who are artists & makers, in any discipline and at any stage on their creative paths. The group will launch at the theatre on 13 November 2018, and will be coordinated by Unity Associate Artists, Tmesis Theatre.
Every kind of maker is welcome- professional and/or passionate – writers, painters, performers, producers, musicians, bakers, crafters, architects, historians ….
Every kind of mother is welcome- biological, adoptive, step, surrogate, foster, grand, great grand, to be ….
Children are encouraged to attend too and are integrated into the meeting, for the dual roles of mother and artist are recognised and given equal value within all MWM events.
Mothers Who Make was first established in London, and now has hubs across the UK – including HOME in Manchester and Bristol Old Vic. Plans for over 30 UK hubs are in the pipeline.
This first session will be on the 13th November at 10.30am at Unity Theatre and will be facilitated by Claire Bigley from Mothers Who Make Liverpool.
Mothers Who Make began in 2014, with Matilda Leyser (Mother/Theatre Maker/Associate Director Improbable Theatre) as a way to explore the experiences and challenges specific to being both a mother and an artist. Matilda said:
“I noticed many parallels between the two roles [of mother and artist]: both are concerned with creativity and play, both require stamina, patience and sensitivity. Both are fuller than full time. This is work that will not be left behind at 5.00pm, work that wakes you up at night, concerned with fundamental questions of identity, looking after and making sense of who we are, where we have come from, who we might become. Mothers and artists are as vital, arguably more so, than bankers and politicians to our future. Despite this both jobs have precious little status in the current cultural climate.”
There are currently regular peer-support groups meeting at 16 major arts-related venues in different regions, with 20 other groups in the process of starting across the UK in 2018. Mothers Who Make has received Arts Council funding to develop the initiative and commission 7 artists.
Gordon Millar, Unity Theatre Artistic Director and CEO, comments:
“The commitment of Mothers Who Make to empowering mothers and developing the creative industries makes it truly remarkable, and I am delighted that Unity Theatre will be its home in Liverpool. Unity is devoted to supporting artists at all stages of their careers, with an emphasis on our local community, and so this new collaboration is a wonderful opportunity for all involved. In collaboration with our Associate Artists ‘Tmesis Theatre’, I’m confident that we will provide a powerful resource to the mothers of Liverpool.”
Claire Bigley, Mothers Who Make Merseyside co-ordinator, comments
“As producer for Tmesis Theatre and as a mother who works in the creative industries, I’m delighted to be the Hub Coordinator for Mothers Who Make Liverpool at Unity Theatre. Tmesis Theatre produce the highest quality physical theatre and we manage a yearly programme of workshops which aim to skill up performers, taking them to the next level. Mothers Who Make will be a supportive network of like-minded people and I am thrilled to be embarking on this inspirational new project in collaboration with Unity.
Venue: Unity Theatre
Time: 10.30am
Date: 13 November
Cost: Pay What You Feel (suggested donation £5/3)
Booking: https://www.unitytheatreliverpool.co.uk/whats-on/mothers-who-make.html
For more information please email: claire@tmesistheatre.com