The Trophy Room would like to invite you to attend the opening of our fifth exhibition, and our first in our new home located within The Royal Standard:
The Trophy Room, The Royal Standard, Northern Lights, Cains Brewery Village, Grafton Street, Liverpool, L8 5SD.
PV 6-9pm 16.11.2016
16.11.2016 – 30.11.2016
open via appointment
Hannah Whitlow graduated from Nottingham Trent University in 2015 and this is her first solo show in the UK. she has been part of many exhibitions such as: ‘The stretch is better than the chase, Upominki, Rotterdam, The Netherlands’ and ‘Play, Bohunk Institute, Nottingham’.
Hannah Whitlow – ‘How Are Things?’
‘I make Things. Which is a concrete yet ambiguous word. However you would know what I meant if I said ‘pass me that Thing by the chair’. It is a placeholder for when the word is on the tip of your tongue but you can’t quite reach it. It is simultaneously general and specific. The works aren’t one Thing or another, they are a recalling of an object from a distance, they are something but you cant be sure what, they are Things.
When you use the word Thing, it a loaded term that is both full and devoid of meaning, how can a word do both at the same time? How can it encompass everything but also mean nothing? The sculptures I make are the materialisation of the uncertainty of the word ‘Thing’.’