The Serving Library: Liverpool Biennial 2018: Reclaiming Beauty as a Public Good – Angela Nagle

The Serving Library: Liverpool Biennial 2018: Reclaiming Beauty as a Public Good – Angela Nagle


18:30 - 19:30


The Serving Library
Exhibition Research Lab, Liverpool John Moores University, John Lennon Art and Design Building, 2 Duckinfield Street, Liverpool, L3 5RD, Liverpool

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Reclaiming Beauty as a Public Good – Angela Nagle

A talk by Angela Nagle (Writer, author of Kill All Normies, Dublin and New York) curated by The Serving Library in partnership with LJMU’s Exhibition Research Lab for Liverpool Biennial 2018

Beauty has too often been embraced on the right or rejected on the left as a reactionary and western centric ideal. Starting with conflicting approaches to beauty, from Roger Scruton to Susan Sontag, this talk will explore why beauty remains such a controversial aesthetic ideal. More pointedly: why has the attempt to channel egalitarian principles via aesthetics, when combined with market forces, resulted in a paradoxical situation where beauty can only be accessed by the privileged few?

Angela Nagle (b.1984) writes for The BafflerJacobin and The Atlantic, and has appeared on Chapo Trap House, Channel 4 and the Fusion Network. She is the author of the best seller Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4chan and tumblr to Trump and the alt-right. It was voted one of the books of the year by George Saunders and won her the description by Catherine Liu as ‘one of the brightest lights in a new generation of left writers and thinkers who have declared their independence from intellectual conformity’.

Join us from 6pm for drinks and conversation ahead of a prompt 6.30pm start.

This event is part of the public programme for Liverpool Biennial 2018, which includes a series of talks by leading thinkers and artists in response to the question Beautiful world, where are you?