Variance of Views
Four professional artists from Arena Studios in Liverpool have come together to mount an exhibition based on their varied views of the city and the world that surrounds them. Four artists, with four diverse views, hence the title ‘Variance of Views’.
If people like to see variety in their art then they will find all they need at this exhibition.
Kate Lloyd has focussed on nature producing some exquisite studies of flora and fauna; Maurice Challenor’s work seeks out the spirit of the landscape; Ursula Starr is a printmaker and produces unconventional interpretations of the world around her; finally Peter Appleton has engaged with the river and its environs.
Timed to sit within the Easter period the exhibition runs from the 2nd April and closes on the 8th. The venue is the Reader Gallery set within the wonderful grounds of Calderstones Park in Liverpool and is open from 10:00am to 5:00pm each day.