The Reader: dot-art: Leaving Your Mark: Shared Mark Making & Storytelling

The Reader: dot-art: Leaving Your Mark: Shared Mark Making & Storytelling


11:00 - 17:00


The Reader Gallery
Calderstones Park, Liverpool, L18 3JB, Liverpool

Event Type

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Join artist and academic Aimee Blackledge for a day of exploring your creative voice through expressive abstract mark marking and storytelling.

***To avoid a booking fee and pay by card, cheque or cash, please contact dot-art Services directly on 0345 017 6660***

Sunday 22 March, 11:00 – 17:00, £50 for 1 day workshop.



Join us for a day of exploring your creative voice through expressive abstract mark marking and storytelling. Together we will gather materials from nature in order to make our own mark making tools for creating individual and collaborative stories. We will practice expressing ourselves, both visually and verbally, by creating abstract works on paper and sharing our multiple interpretations through storytelling in a safe and encouraging environment.

Mark making is a highly expressive form of making art. The advantage of this practice is that you can express yourself easily without worrying about making something that ‘looks’ like the ideas you are trying to express. During the workshop, we will explore various ways to make marks and you will begin to develop your own visual language. Additionally, by making your own brushes from natural sources, your will have the means to make truly unique marks that will help you further hone your own creative voice.

The day will begin by introducing mark making and storytelling structures, such as the hero’s journey and metaphors. We will then explore the surrounding gardens for materials to make our brushes. There will be previously gathered materials available in case of poor weather conditions or accessibility issues. Then you will have time to test your brushes and practice developing your personal gestures before you create a six page storybook, which you will ‘read’ to another person.

After a short break, we will have a warm-up to explore how to make larger gestural moves before creating a large-scale collaborative work on paper. Working simultaneously, we will learn about responding to established marks in order to progress our group ‘story’. During a group discussions, we will openly talk about our intentions and interpretations of our collective artwork and practice telling our story.

With creative storytelling and abstract mark making, there are no wrong responses, and you will be encouraged to dig deep to find your own meaning as an individual and part of a wider group. The day provides you time and space to begin trusting yourself and building confidence in your own creative voice.

Tutor: Aimee Blackledge

For the past nine years, Aimee has been a Researcher Developer at the University of Liverpool, designing and delivering personal and professional development workshops for postgraduate researchers across the University. Her focus is on providing creativity and design thinking workshops and is a Certified Facilitator of Lego® Serious Play® Method and Materials.


Winter Programme 2019

Sunday 22 March, 11:00 – 17:00


Calderstones Mansion House,

Calderstones Road,

Liverpool L18 3JB


£50 for 1 day workshop


You will need to bring some of your own materials for the duration of the course. Materials lists will be provided 2-3 weeks before the course begins. If you require this list earlier, please email



There are a maximum of 15 places available on each session, so early booking is essential.

To avoid a booking fee and pay by card, cheque or cash, please contact dot-art Services directly on 0345 017 6660.