The Atkinson (Online): Sefton Open 2020 – Digital Exhibition

The Atkinson (Online): Sefton Open 2020 – Digital Exhibition


18.4.20 - 6.6.20    
All Day


The Atkinson
Lord Street, Southport, PR8 1DB, Sefton

Event Type

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Date:  Saturday 18 April 2020  – Saturday 6 June 2020

The Sefton Open is an annual exhibition celebrating the creativity and artistic talent across the borough of Sefton. For the first time, The Atkinson is pleased to be showcasing this year’s Sefton Open in a digital exhibition.

The call for artists was open to all practitioners who live, work or were educated in Sefton. Artists were invited to submit one digital photograph of their artwork, with all practices welcomed, including ceramics, sculpture, painting, textiles and photography.

See the exhibition here