Tate Exchange: Killjoy Reading Group

Tate Exchange: Killjoy Reading Group


13:00 - 15:00


Tate Liverpool
Albert Dock, Liverpool, L3 4BB, Liverpool

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‘Killjoy Reading Group’: Taking their name from Sara Ahmed’s notion of the ‘feminist killjoy’ this reading and resource group will aim to discuss texts that explore the role of feminism, art and production.

‘The Caliban and the Witch’ is the first text that will be studied as part of a long-term reading project initiated by Emma Curd, as part of her PhD research at LJMU.

In this session, Lauren Velvick will lead and revisit a reading group that took place earlier this year as part of the exhibition The ‘thinking-business’ at The Royal Standard.

This reading group has been established to continue over an extended period to seek an ongoing understanding of Federici’s extensive text.

This meeting will take place at Tate Exchange at Tate Liverpool.