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Wendy williams will be providing a viewing of East Street Arts’ Old Co-Op Space in Garston between 12 and 1pm on Monday 1st August, for prospective studio residents.
Its a massive space that needs filling with artists. The studios work out around £12.50 a month, which is incredible considering the size.
Here is a little background info about East Street Arts who run the Temporary space programme. http://eaststreetarts.org.uk/ space/temporary-space/
The Facebook page for the old Co-op is: https://www.facebook.com/The- Old-Co-op-project-space- 963941863701073/?fref=ts
The Old Co-op Project space is the latest artists temporary Space set up with the support of East Street Arts.
The space in Garston, formally a co-op, has a large shop floor and warehouse which can be used as exhibition or performance space. It has several offices which will be used as artists studios.
It is a non profit organisation so therefore the space will not be used for commercial use.
For information, contact Wendy Williams at wendwilluk@gmail.com
17 St Mary’s Road, L19 2NJ Liverpool