Sonal Kantaria: Portraiture And The Landscape

Sonal Kantaria: Portraiture And The Landscape


18:00 - 20:00


Open Eye Gallery
Mann Island, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool, L3 1BP, Liverpool

Event Type

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From 18.00
FREE, booking required

Kantaria discusses her project, Traces, and how she addresses the issue of migration and belonging through photography.

“Traces is a personal project which derived from my experience of growing up in the UK as a British Indian, during a politically and socially challenging time in the 1980s. The work was undertaken in Australia in exploring the Indian diaspora; individuals of Indian heritage who have left their respective homelands to settle in the country and the younger generation who have grown up in the country.  In doing so I wanted to connect with individuals of a similar background an experience.  One of the most poignant quotes that resonated from the work was from Sushil Kumar, “we are the ambassadors of our country”, told to him by his grandfather before he left India for a new life in Australia.” – Sonal Kantaria

To book your place please ring +44 (0)151 236 6768 or email