The Serving Library: KEYWORDS FOR DUMMIES: Elie Ayache on *Speculation*

The Serving Library: KEYWORDS FOR DUMMIES: Elie Ayache on *Speculation*




John Lennon Art and Design Building
Duckinfield Street, Liverpool, L3 5RD, Liverpool

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Please join us on THURSDAY 11 MAY at 6pm for our third KEYWORDS FOR DUMMIES: trader and philosopher Elie Ayache will address the slippery subject of financial and other forms of SPECULATION.

In 1987, Ayache began working on the stock market floor the same day of a significant crash. In 1998, he founded ITO 33, a company that develops sophisticated software for the finance sector. In 2010, he published a ground-breaking book, The Blank Swan, in response to Nassim Taleb’s bestseller on the highly improbable, The Black Swan. And in 2015, he followed up with The Medium of Contingency, which further explores the intersection of materialism, speculative realism, probability, and finance.

Related to all this, we released an edited version of a talk Ayache ad-libbed to a London art audience titled “In the Middle of the Middle of the Event,” available to download here from issue #8 of Bulletins of The Serving Library:

The bar will be open, serving for a modest fee. All welcome.

The Serving Library
c/o Exhibition Research Lab
Liverpool John Moores University
John Lennon Art and Design Building
Duckinfield Street
Liverpool L3 5RD, UK