Pyramid Arts Centre: CVAN North West: The is Our Warrington

Pyramid Arts Centre: CVAN North West: The is Our Warrington


10:00 - 16:00


Warrington Museum & Art Gallery
Bold Street, Warrington, WA1 1DR, Warrington

Event Type

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At Pyramid Arts Centre, Warrington
Wednesday 4th October, 10:00 – 16:00

Working in partnership with Culture Warrington, CVAN NW will convene an in-person event hosted at Pyramid Arts Centre, which will pick-up threads of discussion highlighted during our online event ‘This is my place’, while offering new insights into enabling cross-sector place-based work. Using specific examples relating to Warrington’s ambitions as a ‘levelling-up culture’ place, there will also be additional presentations and opportunities for informal world café style discussions to aid conversations and form practical connections between those within the room.

Unusually, this symposium will begin with a brief walking tour addressing what Warrington means as a place. Throughout the day, we will be sharing further unique experiences, including the opportunity to watch a short performance of ‘Me Vs Me’ by Wired Aerial Theatre.

Lunch will be provided and a morning coffee as we tour the town.

Speakers include: Greville Kelly Director at Groundwork Cheshire, Lancashire, Merseyside, Leah Biddle Cultural Manager at Culture Warrington, Sarah Harris Artist, plus more to be announced soon.

Register for tickets HERE