Pink Sands Studio: Artist in Residence: Sammy Playford

Pink Sands Studio: Artist in Residence: Sammy Playford


23.11.20 - 30.11.20    
All Day


Pink Sands Studio
28C Argyle Street, Birkenhead, CH41 6AE

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Artist in residence: Sammy Playford 

23rd Nov – 30th Nov

about the event

We are thrilled to formally announce our first remote resident at Pink Sands Studio, Sammy Playford.
For the residency with Pink Sands Studio, Sammy Playford is going to see if she can make some use of her love of cryptozoology podcasts. She works full-time for a delivery company, a job she feels at best ambivalent towards, and at worst just hates, but the depressing mantra of our times is a hard one to shake: ‘at least you have a job’. So she listens to podcasts to escape, and roots for Bigfoots, merfolk, faeries, Goblins and The Greys as they seem to evade all attempts at capture. Despite her own embarrassment about the topic, she has been writing a series of poems around her consumption of these podcasts and their respective hunts, which she is going to work on during the residency, towards a publication for early next year.