OUTPUT Gallery: Art Club Extra, January 2019

OUTPUT Gallery: Art Club Extra, January 2019


18:00 - 19:30


OUTPUT Gallery
32 Seel Street, Liverpool, L1 4BE, Liverpool

Event Type

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We have been able to organise an extra Art Club as we have been invited by the Output Gallery to view & discuss the exhibition ‘Shouldn’t Throw Stones: the view of a Night Watchman’ by Kevin Casey.

This is going to be on the evening of Friday 11th January starting at 6pm & finishing at approx 7.30. The Output Gallery is at 32 Seel Street, Liverpool, L1 4BE.

Kevin will be along to join in our discussions as will be Gabrielle de la Puente from the Output Gallery & maybe one or two others involved with the project.

The exhibition is part documentary photography; part archival representation and recording and part making ends meet. Kevin has been documenting the former Pilkington Glass Headquarters in St Helens for the past two years.

For more info see Kev’s website about the project – https://www.shouldntthrowstones.co.uk/

As this is a Friday evening we welcome people who have not been able to make our regular Sunday meetings as well as our members who enjoy the Sunday Art Clubs.

We have our regular club on Sunday 6th January at 2pm when we are visiting the Lady Lever Gallery to look at & discuss the Quentin Blake exhibition.

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