Open Eye Gallery: Carbon Copy Press Talk & Book Launch

Open Eye Gallery: Carbon Copy Press Talk & Book Launch


18:00 - 19:30


Open Eye Gallery
Mann Island, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool, L3 1BP, Liverpool

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Carbon Copy Press Talk & Book Launch

Thursday 9 March / 6pm-7.30pm / Free / Booking Required
Salford based collaborators Lizzie King and Craig Tattersall of Carbon Copy Press will be discussing the creation of their handmade photographic booklets, alongside their artistic practice.
Carbon Copy Press has released 5 books to date that have focused on photographic projects with alternative or creative processes. The book design and format is an integral element of their work.
Their practice focuses on the process, using photographic means to create art. They will discuss how they use the darkroom as a tool to create its own imagery, rather than just a means of developing film. They will also discuss their commission for the University of Salford in 2015 where they built a human-sized camera.

Carbon Copy Press will also be launching their brand new booklet, 005 Road Noise by Lorna Fellas.

The event is free, however booking is required. Reserve your place at Open Eye Gallery; call +44 (0)151 236 6768 or email