Old Christ Church: Bohemian Summer Festival


29.6.18 - 1.7.18    
All Day

Event Type

Old Christ Church
11 Waterloo Rd, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 1RE

From 29th June to 1st July, Project Nepomuk will take part in the first Bohemian Summer Festival at Old Christ Church, a lovely disused church and new Events venue in Waterloo Liverpool. The events of Project Nepomuk for 2017 to 2018 are supported by the Arts Council of England.

This follows collaboration already made by Project Nepomuk with artists and musicians in the Czech Republic (Bohemia). Visits have been made by Liverpool Artists to Nepomuk in June 2017, and musicians to the Frantiskovy Lazne Literary Festival in November 2017, and the Alpha Theatre Plzen in January 2018, broadcast on Czech Radio.

In Liverpool, from 29th to 30th of June, there will be a performance of a new opera ‘Nepomuk’ in concert, composed and conducted by the British composer Barry Webb. Some of the best young professional international singers and musicians based in the North West will be participating. The opera deals with the conflict of love and power through the true story of the Bohemian King Wenceslaus and the martyrdom of John of Nepomuk. It is about the very modern theme of false truths.

Alongside the opera concerts, there will be an Art Exhibition at the venue, featuring local contemporary artists from the North. Art can be viewed and purchased in the interval of the concerts, and also after the concerts, and also from 2 to 6 pm on 30th June.

The Bohemian Summer Festival ends on 1st July with a Book Fair, promoted by www.bohemianaffairs.com. Antiquarian Books and Art will be on sale, as well as a bar serving drinks. The Art from the Exhibition of local contemporary artists from the North will continue to be on sale at this event. Some of the proceeds from the Book Fair will support Project Nepomuk.

We are inviting people to enjoy this fabulous festival of a Bohemia nature. People will come and enjoy a day out at the famous Crosby beach with the Anthony Gormley ‘Another Place’ Art installation, followed by a meal in one of the many restaurants of South Road, then take in the Festival Concert, Exhibition or Fair at the unique Old Christ Church venue.

Discounts for the concert are available for Students and other Concessions at just £6. Regular tickets are £8. Available on the door and On-line at www.wegottickets.com/nepomuk (plus 10% booking fee).

Project Nepomuk is a cross border cultural co-operation initiative, aiming to bring cultures together through the universal language of art and music. You can find out more on our website: http://www.projectnepomuk.com/

To support us and to get exclusive Supporters information and news about Project Nepumuk, please leave your E mail address at supporters@projectnepomuk.com. Please support Project Nepomuk’s Indiegogo Crowdfunding to raise funds for the projects. See the fun rewards @ https://igg.me/at/projectnepomuk