Metal: FUTURE STATION: Future Family

Metal: FUTURE STATION: Future Family


18:00 - 21:00


Metal at Edge Hill Station
Tunnel Road, Liverpool, L7 6ND, Liverpool

Event Type

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Thursday 20th September, 6-9pm.

Lauren McCarthy is an artist based in Los Angeles whose work examines how issues of surveillance, automation, and network culture affect our social relationships. At this Future Station she will be exploring the future of family.

How do rapidly expanding technological possibilities and shifting understandings of gender, sexuality, identity, and intelligence shape the ways in which we think about family? What new family issues arise in the face of new reproductive technologies and gene editing techniques, care work and the gig economy, family surveillance and home automation?

This presentation will reflect on current activities related to future family, discuss some of Lauren’s previous works on themes of AI and labour, surveillance and social technologies, and put forward some of her ideas for future projects.

Future Station is our regular series of FREE events at Edge Hill Station bringing together artists, creative thinkers and our local community, to share ideas and experiences that could encourage a positive change in society.

Everyone is welcome and FREE FOOD is provided.

Find out more information or book your FREE place HERE

Metal Liverpool, Edge Hill Station, Tunnel Road, L7 6ND