Make. Liverpool: Green Labs- Young People & The Climate Crisis

Make. Liverpool: Green Labs- Young People & The Climate Crisis


10:00 - 15:30


Make Liverpool
37 Regent Street, Liverpool, Liverpool

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An event for young people to shape ideas to reduce the impact of people on our planet.


Part of a series of Green labs exploring issues around our climate crisis, we are excited to invite you to join us for the second in the series in Liverpool on the 21st October.

Our Liverpool Lab will look at the challenges and opportunities to encourage communities to reduce wastefullness, exploring how to encourage more people to refuse unecessary items, reducing how much we consume, reusing items we do buy and recycling those we no longer need.

Sign up to share your concerns and ideas for how we should be responding to the Climate crisis. We will discover how you feel about the problem, challenge how young peoples voices are heard and look for ways to amplify your voices. We will build ideas together for ensuring young people can shape, influence and lead how we respond to the opportunities we can see to create a cleaner, greener and more sustainable future.

This event is for young people, youth and climate focussed organisations.