Liverpool Biennial 2023 at Liverpool One
10 June – 17 September 2023
Rudy Loewe, February 1970, Trinidad #1, 2022. Photo by Rudy Loewe
For Liverpool Biennial, ‘The Reckoning’ (2023) transports these spirits to the site of The Old Dock where they confront Britain’s colonial legacy and its contemporary reverberations. The work also engages with the Sailors’ Home Gateway, located on Paradise Street, a freestanding monument to the since demolished Liverpool Sailors’ Home. The Home operated as a sanctuary for sailors passing through the city and provided affordable accommodation as well as educational and recreational opportunities. Loewe aims to visualise Black histories and social politics through their work, particularly focusing on a critique of Britain’s role in suppressing Black Power organising in the English-speaking Caribbean during the1960s and 70s. ‘The Reckoning’ acts as a portal to imagine and learn about these histories; it is a manifestation of power, but not the kind that oppresses.