Liverpool Irish Festival: Tony Birtill – Hidden Histories

Liverpool Irish Festival: Tony Birtill - Hidden Histories



Event Type

Book launch for Tony Birtill’s new book: “Hidden History-The Irish Language in Liverpool/An Ghaeilge i Learpholl”.

The Liverpool accent is famous throughout the world.

It has been influenced by the many nationalities that have entered the busy seaport in the last 200 years. The Irish were the largest such grouping. In a new book, Liverpool-born Irish teacher and journalist, Tony Birtill examines the impact of their language on the local culture and accent known as Scouse.

The Liverpool Irish Festival and Writing on the Wall are immensely proud to present the launch of Hidden History-The Irish Language in Liverpool/An Ghaeilge i Learpholl as part of the 2021 Year of Writing.  Written by Liverpool Irish Festival Board member Tony Birtill, the book is the product of extensive research in England and Ireland. It provides evidence that the Irish language was spoken by many thousands of people in Liverpool, up to the start of the last century, some of which inevitably entered into ‘Scouse’.

For more details, please see the Liverpool Irish Festival event page: