Liverpool Irish Centre: Liverpool Irish Festival: Tony Birtill annual lecture 2024

Liverpool Irish Centre: Liverpool Irish Festival: Tony Birtill annual lecture 2024


18:00 - 19:00

Event Type

Conradh na Gaeilge Learpholl, in partnership with the Liverpool Irish Festival, are pleased to present the third annual Tony Birtill Lecture.

On 21 Oct 2021, Liverpool (and Ireland) lost a great Irish Language supporter; Tony Birtill. His invaluable contribution to the conservation, promotion and teaching of the Irish Language on Merseyside will be remembered for many years to come. A Gaeilgeoir (fluent Irish speaker) and walking enthusiast, Tony was also a keen historian and language activist.

Enter to music from Tony’s friends, in a space he knew all too well. This year’s memorial lecture: Frongoch University of Revolution will be, fittingly, delivered by Gwyn Siôn Ifan, Welsh/Irish language activist and Tony’s close friend from the Welsh language society.

Join us for what promises to be a very interesting talk.


Léacht bliaintiúl in omós Antón Birtill
21ú Deireadh Fomhair ag 6in ag an Ionad Éireannach Learpholl
Léacht an-suimiúil Frongoch – Ollscoil na Réabhlóide
Gwyn Siôn Ifan, dlúthchara Tony ó Chumann na dteanga Bhreatnaise.

Fáilte go cách.
Bígí linn.

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No booking required.