Liverpool Biennial 2018: Beautiful World Reading and Discussion Group

Liverpool Biennial 2018: Beautiful World Reading and Discussion Group


18:00 - 19:00


School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BX, Liverpool

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Beautiful World Reading and Discussion Group


The final session of the series is with The Radical Womyn’s Dance Party, a collective of female artists, writers and academics based in Liverpool. For this session the collective will be discussing borders; from violent state borders, controlling the flow of capital and human life to invisible borders embodied by groups and institutions, controlling the types of bodies that inhabit spaces. How are these borders constructed and in what ways can we begin to physically and mentally dismantle them?

In this series of participatory events, artist Jon Davies extends an invitation to consider the times we are living in and encourages us to share ideas, texts and conversations. Davies begins from the position that in order to change the world for the better, we need to broaden our understanding of work and production, the environment, gender and sexuality, and race and nations. He also considers whether the status quo is stopping us from working towards a better world. Davies and invited guests including artist Diann Bauer, Priya Sharma, Salma Noor will debate the contemporary moment through five provocations: Which Utopia? followed by Dehumanise, Defamiliarise, Decolonise and Deindustrialise.