New Printing Course for Adults at Kirkby Gallery
Due to the success of our popular drawing and painting courses for adults and children, we are now offering a new course with artist Barbara Jones – currently exhibiting her work in Kirkby Gallery as part of the Liverpool and Knowsley Book Art Exhibition.
Introduction to Print Making
This 8 week course starts on Thursday 11Â October, 2 – 4 pm.
Led by artist Barbara Jones, this is a great opportunity to explore and learn different printing techniques, including mono printing and poly-printing.  All tuition and materials are included in the cost of the course.
The course is the same time each Thursday and costs just £45 for 8 weeks, payable at the first class.  Places are limited and booking is essential.
Saturday courses
We appreciate that some people are not able to take part in courses during the working week – so we are considering Saturday morning courses for adults.  If you are interested please get in touch to register your interest.