IB18: St John’s Market: SCI: The sail across the mirrored sea

IB18: St John's Market: SCI: The sail across the mirrored sea


9.8.18 - 22.8.18    
11:00 - 17:00


St John's Market
127 St George's Way, Liverpool, L1 1LY, Liverpool City Region

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They sail across the mirrored sea

St Johns Market   9 -22 August

SCI are a group of artists based in the North West who’s aim is to connect with similar artists. Having exhibited in Norway, Sweden, Greece and USA, as well as throughout the UK, they have kept a strong relationship and have continued to collaborate with artists met on their travels.

This exhibition includes artists that have hosted exhibitions or projects that have provided opportunities for others.

Exhibiting are:  Jackie Berridge,  Michael Borkowsky,  Debra Eck,  Jacqueline F Kerr, Sharon Mossbeck,  Artemis Potamianou, Alison Whitmore and Wendy Williams

Jackie Berridge, a Nottingham based artist, exhibits nationally and internationally. In 2017 she had solo shows at the Rabley Contemporary Drawing Centre, Marlborough and the Tarpey Gallery. She is Director of Harrington Mill Studios.

Michael Borkowsky is a Sheffield based artist exploring scent as a way of communicating. His ongoing project, entitled Perfume as Practice, sees Michael utilise the craft of perfumery.

Debra Eck is an internationally exhibited book and installation artist who works primarily with paper, text and thread. She lives and works in Jamestown, NY, USA.

Jacqueline F Kerr  is a Liverpool based artist specialising in printmaking. Her mixed media work represents a visual travelogue.

Sharon Mossbeck is a textile artist based in Sheffield. With Borkowsky, she set up the artists platform Fronteer, creating opportunities for artists.

Artemis Potamianou is an artist and curator who is currently based in Athens.   She is the curator of Art Athina Contemporaries of International Contemporary Art Fair of Athens and Director of Platform Project, Athens.

Alison Whitmore is based in Nottingham. Her found objects and personal treasures are elevated into ‘valuable’ artefacts through the visual language of religious pieces.

Wendy Williams set up SCI in 2011 and is curating this exhibition. Based at Alternator studio on the Wirral, she has exhibited both nationally and Internationally showing her installations and handmade books.

More information on SCI on the website :  https://sciartistprojects.wordpress.com/

Follow us on Twitter @sciartists